How old is Eisha Hickson?

Eisha Hickson was born on 12 October 2001.
Eisha Hickson is 23 years old.

How old is Eisha Hickson in days now?

Eisha Hickson is 23 years 3 months 28 days old.
Total 8,521 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Eisha Hickson?

Eisha Hickson's next birthday is in 8 months 3 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Eisha Hickson?

Zodiac sign of Eisha Hickson is Libra.

Eisha Hickson is a famous American Instagram star known for her cute appearance and interesting videos of her dancing. Born Aiyeisha Hickson in 2001 in Georgia, she has been in love with dancing since she was 4 years old. At an early age, she began attending dance classes for fun, but later one Hickson started seeing her hobby as a possible career option. Just a few years ago Eisha began getting interested in social networking activities and opened a couple of Instagram accounts which she started using as her personal vlogs and dance video sharing platform. Her most popular Instagram account, ayo.eishaa is followed by almost 200,000 people, and her other accounts have a little fewer followers. Eisha Hickson often collaborates with other Instagram and YouTube stars like Cari, Hakeem Newkirk, and others.

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