How old is Ella Mendelsohn?
Ella Mendelsohn was born on 12 February 2005.
Ella Mendelsohn is 20 years old.
How old is Ella Mendelsohn in days now?
Ella Mendelsohn is 20 years 6 days old.
Total 7,311 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Ella Mendelsohn?
Ella Mendelsohn's next birthday is in 11 months 25 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Ella Mendelsohn?
Zodiac sign of Ella Mendelsohn is Aquarius.
Ella Mendelsohn is a very cute and lovely TikToker who is trying to promote her channel on a highly competitive niche of comedy video makers. Born in 2005 in the US, she is growing up in New York City. Since her early years Ella has been close with her mom and she often appears in Ella's videos, especially the ones about her daily life and routines. Mandelsohn has been running her channel since the early 2020 and initially she tried to position her channel as the one for those interested in fashion and make-up. It took her quite short time to attract her first million of followers, and then Ella decided to broaden the focus of her videos so she began posting videos of some lip-syncing, choreography, etc., and she opened her Instagram account where she decided to post her fashion and beauty advice. As of the early 2025, there are about 2.8 million followers on her TikTok channel, as well as a bout a half of a million fans on her Instagram account. In the early 2020 Ella Mendelsohn announced her starting producing her personal clothing line.
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