How old is Ella Noel?

Ella Noel was born on 29 December 2006.
Ella Noel is 18 years old.

How old is Ella Noel in days now?

Ella Noel is 18 years 1 month 8 days old.
Total 6,614 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ella Noel?

Ella Noel's next birthday is in 10 months 23 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ella Noel?

Zodiac sign of Ella Noel is Capricorn.

A lovely Instagram star with amazing light green eyes, Ella Noel is among those social media influences who have recently been increasing the number of their fans really fast. Born in 2006 in Pennsylvania, she spent her childhood in Pittsburgh alongside her parents and her older brother and sister. She had quite a typical childhood and was the one who started her presence in social media in a very young age. Ella opened her Instagram account in the early 2020s and started promoting plenty of the interesting videos about her life. She was immediately noticed by a great number of followers, as well as by some modeling agencies including one from Phoenix, and she was invited to take part in some modeling and commercial related projects. As of the late 2024 Ella Noel has almost two hundred thousand followers on her Instagram account.

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