How old is Ethan Payne?

Ethan Payne was born on 20 June 1995.
Ethan Payne is 29 years old.

How old is Ethan Payne in days now?

Ethan Payne is 29 years 7 months 22 days old.
Total 10,829 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ethan Payne?

Ethan Payne's next birthday is in 4 months 9 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ethan Payne?

Zodiac sign of Ethan Payne is Gemini.

Ethan Payne is a successful YouTuber and a social media star known as a gamer and a commentator on various games, as well as comedy related video creator. Born in 1995 in the UK, he grew up in England, alongside his family and friends. He spent his childhood in London and has been playing computer games since his early teen ages. Ethan was a great fan of FIFA and soccer related games. In the mid 2010s he opened his first social media account and began sharing his gaming experience with his viewers. He has been running his main YouTube channel titled Behzinga since 2013 and as of the mid 2024 there are over 4 million followers there. Ethan Payne is a member of a gamer group named Ultimate Sidemen, alongside such YouTubers as KSI, Vikram Barn, w2s, etc. He is currently engaged with Faith Kelly who is the mother of his daughter.

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