How old is Eugene Lee Yang?
Eugene Lee Yang was born on 18 January 1986.
Eugene Lee Yang is 39 years old.
How old is Eugene Lee Yang in days now?
Eugene Lee Yang is 39 years 22 days old.
Total 14,267 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Eugene Lee Yang?
Eugene Lee Yang's next birthday is in 11 months 9 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Eugene Lee Yang?
Zodiac sign of Eugene Lee Yang is Capricorn.
Eugene Lee Yang is an Asian-American YouTuber and a social media star popular also on BuzzFeed. Born in 1986 in Texas, he spent his early years in the city of Pflugerville, alongside his parents of Korean origins and his two sisters. Music and video art have been his hobbies since his high school times. In the late 2000s he graduated from the University of Southern California where he studied arts. A few years later he started working in BuzzFeed as a videos creator, and his videos focused mainly on body arts attracted a lot of public attention. In the mid 2010s Yang began promoting his videos on YouTube and immediately started earning a great deal of fans. Together with his colleagues from BuzzFeed, he launched a channel known as The Try Guys which is very popular social issue channel. There, it is possible to find a lot of videos dedicated to the problems of Asian Americans and other minorities. Eugene Lee Yang is known as an avid social activist protecting the rights of minorities and taking part in plenty of projects including The Trevor Project and others.
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