How old is Everleigh Soutas?

Everleigh Soutas was born on 14 December 2012.
Everleigh Soutas is 12 years old.

How old is Everleigh Soutas in days now?

Everleigh Soutas is 12 years 1 month 23 days old.
Total 4,437 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Everleigh Soutas?

Everleigh Soutas's next birthday is in 10 months 8 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Everleigh Soutas?

Zodiac sign of Everleigh Soutas is Sagittarius.

Everleigh Soutas is a lovely and very popular young fashion vlogger and an Instagram star who has a few millions of fans on that social networking platform. She was born in 2012 and since then her mother Savannah LaBrant has been posting the photos and videos of her lovely daughter on various platforms. Savannah, together with her friend Michelle Foley, is the one who runs a popular TikTok account ForEverAndForAva, which tells the life-story of two little girls, Everleight Soutas and Ava Foley. Two little girls are extremely sweet and lovely, and their videos and channels enjoy fantastic popularity. The girls do a lot of modeling and appear on TV, as a part of the Kardashian Kids squad. As of the late 2024, there are almost 5 million followers of Ava and Everleigh's Instagram account and about 3.85 million followers on their YouTube channel.

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