How old is Ezekielthe1st?

Ezekielthe1st was born on 3 May 2004.
Ezekielthe1st is 20 years old.

How old is Ezekielthe1st in days now?

Ezekielthe1st is 20 years 9 months 8 days old.
Total 7,589 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ezekielthe1st?

Ezekielthe1st's next birthday is in 2 months 22 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ezekielthe1st?

Zodiac sign of Ezekielthe1st is Taurus.

A charismatic TikToker known for his cool and creative POV videos, Ezekielthe1st has attracted almost 4 million subscribers to his TikTok channel, as of the mid 2024. He came to this world in 2004 and grew up in the UK. He started his online presence as a 12 years old boy by opening his personal Instagram account, which ever since has been a great place to find plenty of photos of him and his friends living their daily life through. Later on he launched his TikTok channel which immediately became popular and started gaining the interest of many users. His humorous comments and amusing interpretations of some events or ideas made his viewers go back on his page again and again. Most of the interesting and hilarious videos or sketches are filmed at school. Ezekielthe1st is definitely a bit weird but at the same time a really cool and creative young man, who is now enjoying the benefits of being a social media star to the fullest.

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