How old is Fiona Frills?

Fiona Frills was born on 10 October 2003.
Fiona Frills is 21 years old.

How old is Fiona Frills in days now?

Fiona Frills is 21 years 3 months 28 days old.
Total 7,791 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Fiona Frills?

Fiona Frills's next birthday is in 8 months 3 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Fiona Frills?

Zodiac sign of Fiona Frills is Libra.

Fiona Frills is a YouTuber, a talented actress and a young beauty expert who has managed to attract a large number of followers to her YouTube channel titled FionaFrills. Born in 2003 in California, Fiona was raised by her parents and had a wonderful childhood. As a young teenager she was discovered by young talent scouts and took part in filming various commercials, including the ones for the brands like Orbeez, Solar4America, Comcast, and others. She started getting interested in social media in the early 2010s and opened her first YouTube channel in 2013. Her channel has been a place where it is possible to watch plenty of fascinating videos about Fiona's life, learn a lot of interesting or get a piece of advice as to fashion and beauty. In the late 2010s Fiona took part in creating a few online TV series where she starred alongside Payton List, Sofia Carson, Calm Worthy, and other social media stars. As of the mid 2024, Fiona Frills has almost 1 million followers in her YouTube channel.

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