How old is Floyd Mayweather?

Floyd Mayweather was born on 24 February 1977.
Floyd Mayweather is 48 years old.

How old is Floyd Mayweather in days now?

Floyd Mayweather is 48 years 11 days old.
Total 17,543 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Floyd Mayweather?

Floyd Mayweather's next birthday is in 11 months 17 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Floyd Mayweather?

Zodiac sign of Floyd Mayweather is Pisces.

Floyd Joy Mayweather Junior (known by the name Pretty Boy) is an American sportsman, professional boxer and boxing coach. He was born in 1977 in Michigan, to a family of boxers, with one of his uncles winning a title of the World Champion in one of the weight categories. Thus, there were no questions about the future career of Floyd Junior. In order to go deep into the sports and training, the boy had to drop off the school, but he was really very hardworking and talented in boxing. He started taking part in various competitions in 1993, and he managed to win 3 consequent national championships, receiving Golden Gloves Award. His trademark was his amazing ability to avoid hits to his face, that is why he had no scars and has got the nickname Pretty Boy. In 1996 he took part in the Olympic Games and got the bronze medal. Within 3-4 next years, Floyd developed his unique boxing style, which was not too outstanding but very very effective. In 1998 he got the title of The Talent of the Year. He had plenty of fights with best boxers like Genaro Hernández, Luis Castillo, Arturo Gatti, Zab Judah, Oskar de la Hoya, and others. He is a good friend of Justin Bieber and is a popular internet personality with millions of followers on his Instagram account. Though Floyd Mayweather was never married, he has 4 children with 2 of his girlfriends. He is a great promoter of boxing and gives plenty of master classes for the professionals and amateurs in different countries.

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