How old is Fred Liu?

Fred Liu was born on 18 January 2002.
Fred Liu is 23 years old.

How old is Fred Liu in days now?

Fred Liu is 23 years 24 days old.
Total 8,425 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Fred Liu?

Fred Liu's next birthday is in 11 months 7 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Fred Liu?

Zodiac sign of Fred Liu is Capricorn.

A really cute and smart TikTok star, Fred Liu has got the fame of a successful and growing comedy related content creator. Born in 2002 in the state of Washington, he grew up in Seattle, alongside his American Asian parents and numerous friends. He opened his YouTube channel when he was 12 years old and initially started using it as a platform for vlogging and sharing his life updates. Closer to the middle of the decade, he opened a channel on TikTok and started sharing videos based on some funny ideas and jokes, so in the late 2010s he turned into an experienced comedy content guru. His videos include lip syncing, comments, funny stories, POV, and such. He is also a very active healthy life style promoter, and a few years ago he accepted a challenge to run across the US. As of the early 2025, there are almost 1.7 million subscribers to his TikTok channel. Fred Liu can also be found on Instagram and there are many fans of his there too.

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