How old is Gabbie Hanna?
Gabbie Hanna was born on 7 February 1991.
Gabbie Hanna is 34 years old.
How old is Gabbie Hanna in days now?
Gabbie Hanna is 34 years 2 days old.
Total 12,421 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Gabbie Hanna?
Gabbie Hanna's next birthday is in 11 months 29 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Gabbie Hanna?
Zodiac sign of Gabbie Hanna is Aquarius.
Gabbie Hanna is an American YouTuber and Instagram star, born in 1991 as Gabrielle Jeannette Hanna in Pennsylvania. Gabbie grew up in a very large family and has been a very sociable young lady. She is very close with one of her sisters, Cecilia Hanna, who is more like a star. Gabbie became very famous as YouTuber and Viner, with her witty and interesting videos related to fashion and social life. Her trademark was a special channel, The Gabbie Show, where she regularly posted her comments and skits, usually in collaboration with other Viners and YouTubers like Brennen Taylor, Chad Perez, Jessi Smiles, and others. As of the late 2024, this channel has over 5 million subscribers. Gabbie Hanna tried herself in singing and released a song named "Out Loud" which became quite popular. She has got a university degree in communication and psychology, which helps her a lot in understanding the needs of her audience. It is also possible to find her on Instagram where her account is followed by over 5 million people.
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