How old is Gabriel Conte?
Gabriel Conte was born on 24 October 1994.
Gabriel Conte is 30 years old.
How old is Gabriel Conte in days now?
Gabriel Conte is 30 years 4 months 11 days old.
Total 11,092 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Gabriel Conte?
Gabriel Conte's next birthday is in 7 months 17 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Gabriel Conte?
Zodiac sign of Gabriel Conte is Scorpio.
Gabriel Conte is a famous YouTuber known for his fascinating and funny videos. He was born in 1994 in Florida and grew up there, alongside his brother and sister. Since his childhood, Gabriel has been interested in fine arts and acting, and even took part in a few projects as a child model. In the mid-2010s he joined Florida State University in order to study fine arts. By that time he has been already the owner and a successful admin of his social media channels where he keeps on uploading plenty of various contents related to comedy and fun. That is why he dropped down from the university and decided to continue as a social media celebrity. As of the late 2024, his YouTube and Instagram accounts have almost 1.7 million followers each, and his TikTok accounts enjoy the attention of almost 1.4 million subscribers. In 2016, Gabriel Conte married his long-time girlfriend, a beautiful YouTuber Jess Conte known for her song covers and make-up tutorials.
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