How old is George Clarke?
George Clarke was born on 3 December 1999.
George Clarke is 25 years old.
How old is George Clarke in days now?
George Clarke is 25 years 2 months 3 days old.
Total 9,197 days old now.
When is the next birthday of George Clarke?
George Clarke's next birthday is in 9 months 27 days.
What is the zodiac sign of George Clarke?
Zodiac sign of George Clarke is Sagittarius.
George Clarke is a skilled content creator who specializes on comedy related content such as jokes, memes, POV and comments, situation comedy, etc. focused mainly on the life of him and his friends. George was born in 1999 in the UK and grew up in Hampshire, alongside his parents and his sister Emily. He launched his TikTok channel when he was 20 years old and decided to share videos of his opinions or reactions. They became really interesting to the general public, so Clarke continued to make videos of his daily adventures and the jokes which he is really good at. Some of his early entertaining videos got over 2 million views. In the early 2023 he published a successful video which used a sing of the famous twins Nick Jonas and Joe Jonas. George Clarke also has an Instagram account where everyone could find a number of great photos of his family and friends.
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