How old is Giada Ryann?
Giada Ryann was born on 16 January 2008.
Giada Ryann is 17 years old.
How old is Giada Ryann in days now?
Giada Ryann is 17 years 22 days old.
Total 6,232 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Giada Ryann?
Giada Ryann's next birthday is in 11 months 9 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Giada Ryann?
Zodiac sign of Giada Ryann is Capricorn.
Giada Ryann is a cute and lovely YouTube star who used to be a member of a child social media star group called the Rock Squad. Born in 2008 in the US, she is growing up alongside her parents and her wonderful pet dog which is featured on her channel and her Instagram account. As a young child Giada loved music, singing, and dancing, so her parents sent he to a large number of courses and classes related to dancing and acting. In the late 2010s she was noticed by some modeling scouts and invited to join a few modeling related projects. In the early 2020s it was the time for Ryann to start developing her social media networking career so she opened her Instagram account which became the place to watch some videos and see some pictures demonstrating her life and interests. Giada often appeared in the videos of The Rock Squad channel, and one of the videos with her became really popular as well as enjoyed the number of the views close to 5.8 million people. As of the early 2025, Giada Ryann is trying to promote her TikTok channel, with the current number of fans close to 160 thousand people.
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