How old is Gionna Daddio?

Gionna Daddio was born on 8 June 1994.
Gionna Daddio is 30 years old.

How old is Gionna Daddio in days now?

Gionna Daddio is 30 years 8 months 1 day old.
Total 11,204 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Gionna Daddio?

Gionna Daddio's next birthday is in 3 months 30 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Gionna Daddio?

Zodiac sign of Gionna Daddio is Gemini.

Gionna Daddio is a great and famous wrestler who has been taking part in many projects and programs of WWE. Known as Liv Morgan, she was born in 1994 in New Jersey, she spent her early years in Elmwood Park near NYS, alongside her mother and five siblings. She has got 4 brothers who helped her to get to know wrestling, and as a child she would get involved in outdoor wrestling with her brothers. In her high school times Giona was one of the cheer leaders and in the early 2010s she worked as a waitress and joined some modeling projects. She started her professional career as a wrestler with NXT in 2014 and took the name Liv Morgan. Later in the decade she joined The Riot Squad of WWE which made her famous as a participant of many TV shows and wresting projects. In the early 2020s she decided to get involved in some competitive wrestling and began joining single competitions. Gionna Daddio can be found and followed on some social media networking sites. In particular, it is possible to follow her on Instagram where currently (as of the mid 2024) she has about 2.4 million followers.

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