How old is Hasan Piker?

Hasan Piker was born on 25 July 1991.
Hasan Piker is 33 years old.

How old is Hasan Piker in days now?

Hasan Piker is 33 years 6 months 15 days old.
Total 12,253 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Hasan Piker?

Hasan Piker's next birthday is in 5 months 16 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Hasan Piker?

Zodiac sign of Hasan Piker is Leo.

Hasan Piker is a Twitch broadcaster famous for being a member of a group that has been promoting Turkish culture for a few years. Hasan was born in New Jersey, the US, but spent most of his childhood in Istanbul, Turkey, in the cultural environment of his family. After receiving some primary education in Turkey, Hasan entered Rutgers Univesity in New Jersey and got a degree in communication and political science. He started his vivid online activities in the early 2010s and together with his good friends joined the group named The Young Turks led by a broadcaster Cenk Uygur who is actually Hasan's uncle. Since the mid 2010s Hasan Piker has been a talent scout and one of the managers of the group. In the late 2010s he started focusing on broadcasting and sharing his political views. He used to be one of the columnists of Huffington Post.

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