How old is Haven Garza?
Haven Garza was born on 18 October 2016.
Haven Garza is 8 years old.
How old is Haven Garza in days now?
Haven Garza is 8 years 3 months 19 days old.
Total 3,033 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Haven Garza?
Haven Garza's next birthday is in 8 months 12 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Haven Garza?
Zodiac sign of Haven Garza is Libra.
Haven Garza is a lovely TikTok star and one of the famous Garza Twins who are the daughters of a star mum Andrea Garza. The twins were born in 2016 and they became active on TikTok at the age of 4. As the young children, the girls were very cute and their mum decided to attract public attention to her lovely daughters by opening their joint TikTok channel. Both Haven and Koti Garza love dancing and being in the center of public attention, therefore a large number of videos is made by their parents and shared by Andrea on the channel. As of the late 2024, there are about 4.9 million fans who truly enjoy watching all kinds of the videos on the channel. One of the most popular recent videos is the one where the transformation of the girls' appearance for the last 4 years can be seen. Koti and Haven Garza have their personal Instagram account where it is possible to find some cool pictures and other kind of interesting stuff.
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