How old is Hayes Grier?

Hayes Grier was born on 8 June 2000.
Hayes Grier is 24 years old.

How old is Hayes Grier in days now?

Hayes Grier is 24 years 7 months 30 days old.
Total 9,010 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Hayes Grier?

Hayes Grier's next birthday is in 4 months 1 day.

What is the zodiac sign of Hayes Grier?

Zodiac sign of Hayes Grier is Gemini.

Hayes Grier is a famous Instagram and Vine star who is known as the younger brother of Nash Grier and a member of Magcon Boys. Born Benjamin Hayes Grier in 2000 in New York City, Hayes grew up in a large family, alongside his three siblings. His father is a football coach and his mom is a healthy lifestyle enthusiast. Hayes has two elder brothers and a younger sister. Hayes started his activities online in early 2013 alongside his elder brother Nash. Together with other YouTubers Cameron Dallas, Jack Johnson, Jack Gilinsky, Shawn Mendes, Matt Espinosa, and others, Hayes became a member of Magcon Boys, a group of the Internet Stars who used to tour and deliver some live performances to their fans. In 2015 Hayes Grier also took part in a famous TV show Dancing With The Stars and a year later he appeared in an online TV series Freakish. He is also one of the creators of a parody online series Top Grier. Hayes Grier is also a writer, he has released his first novel titled Hollywood Days With Hayes. As for the beginning of 2024, he is very active in Instagram and he has over 6 million followers.

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