How old is Hey Eliza?

Hey Eliza was born on 10 August 2018. Hey Eliza died on 20 June 2021 at the age of 2 years.

What was the exact age of Hey Eliza?

Hey Eliza's exact age was 2 years 10 months 10 days old. Hey Eliza lived for total 1,045 days.

What would be the age of Hey Eliza if alive?

Hey Eliza's exact age would be 6 years 6 months 1 day old if alive. Total 2,377 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Hey Eliza?

Zodiac sign of Hey Eliza is Leo.

A cute and extremely lovely TikTok star, Hey Eliza was the daughter of two famous TikTokers, Kate Hudson and Chance Moore. Born Eliza Adalynn Moore in 2018 in Ohio, a little girl became a social media star in the first months of her life. However, in the first year of her life, Eliza had to live a horrible tragedy as she was diagnosed with cancer. She began receiving chemotherapy as a toddler and managed to make substantial progress. He father Chance is the one who has been running her TikTok channel and posting really nice and very short videos about her daily life and development. In the early 2021, there were over 4 million subscribers to HeyEliza's TikTok channel. All of them stood by Eliza in her fight against the terrible disease. Sadly, the little girl passed away in June 2021, with just 8 weeks remaining to her 3rd Birthday....

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