How old is Hunter Doohan?

Hunter Doohan was born on 18 January 1994.
Hunter Doohan is 30 years old.

How old is Hunter Doohan in days now?

Hunter Doohan is 30 years 3 months 6 days old.
Total 11,054 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Hunter Doohan?

Hunter Doohan's next birthday is in 8 months 25 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Hunter Doohan?

Zodiac sign of Hunter Doohan is Capricorn.

A charismatic TV actor, Hunter Doohan made his presence noticeable with his great performances in such popular TV series as Wednesday, Your Honor, Truth Be Told, and others, which gave him a place alongside many young and promising actors of today. Born in 1994 in Arkansas, he spent his childhood in many big and small cities of the southern states, alongside his father, a known tennis player, and his family. As a child, he didn't have a clear interest in acting but rather in sports and active lifestyle. However, while studying in high school, he was invited to join some projects of a local theater community, and began demonstrating some great talents for acting. When he was 18, he joined the cast for a short film The Last Pursuit and it became his professional debut. Later in the decade he appeared in 8 episodes of Truth Be Told, followed by portraying Adam in a TV series Your Honor, and finally by portraying Tyler Garpin in a cult TV series Wednesday which was released in 2022. Hunter Doohan can be found and followed on Instagram where, as of the early 2024, the number of his subscribers and fans is exceeding 4.1 million people.

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