How old is iHasCupquake?

iHasCupquake was born on 19 March 1988.
iHasCupquake is 36 years old.

How old is iHasCupquake in days now?

iHasCupquake is 36 years 11 months 16 days old.
Total 13,502 days old now.

When is the next birthday of iHasCupquake?

iHasCupquake's next birthday is in 12 days.

What is the zodiac sign of iHasCupquake?

Zodiac sign of iHasCupquake is Pisces.

Tiffany Garcia is a YouTube and Internet star who is known as the owner of the iHasCupquake channel. She was born in 1988 in LA and grew up there alongside her brother Anthony. All her life Tiffany has been a very positive and fun person, she loves gaming and spending time with her friends and husband Mario, who is also a gamer. Tiffany opened her first social media channel in 2010 and started posting a variety of videos focused on gaming and games like Minecraft and others. She started gaining followers very fast and came up with an idea of releasing a kind of online TV series dedicated to games. However, closer to the mid-2010s Tiffany began being criticized for being just one-sided in her online activities, so she opened new channels were she began vlogging and talking about gaming in a bit broader focus. In 2018 iHasCupquake received an award as the most viewed female gamer in YouTube. As of the late 2023, there are over 6 million followers on her channel, and the number keeps on increasing.

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