How old is IShowSpeed?
IShowSpeed was born on 21 January 2005.
IShowSpeed is 20 years old.
How old is IShowSpeed in days now?
IShowSpeed is 20 years 21 days old.
Total 7,326 days old now.
When is the next birthday of IShowSpeed?
IShowSpeed's next birthday is in 11 months 10 days.
What is the zodiac sign of IShowSpeed?
Zodiac sign of IShowSpeed is Aquarius.
Darren Watkins Jr., also known as IShowSpeed, is a YouTuber and a really talented content creator who has managed to attract a large number of followers despite his really young age. Born in 2005 in Ohio, he grew up in Cincinnati, and grew up there alongside his family and friends. In his early years Darren was a very outgoing child who loved spending time with his friends and playing computer games. For many years he has been a huge fan of basketball and used to play NBA related computer games a lot. He opened his YouTube channel when he was only 12 years old and began using it as a vlog where it was possible to watch some videos focused on his daily life and gaming experiences. In 2020, Darren was really devastated by the tragic death of Kobe Bryant and he decided to enter a few professional gaming competitions to commemorate his idol. In 2021 IShowSpeed introduced his girlfriend in social media networking sites, and there were rumors that they've already got a child, but taking into account their young age it doesn't seem to be true.
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