How old is ItsFunneh?

ItsFunneh was born on 31 October 1995.
ItsFunneh is 29 years old.

How old is ItsFunneh in days now?

ItsFunneh is 29 years 3 months 9 days old.
Total 10,694 days old now.

When is the next birthday of ItsFunneh?

ItsFunneh's next birthday is in 8 months 22 days.

What is the zodiac sign of ItsFunneh?

Zodiac sign of ItsFunneh is Scorpio.

ItsFunneh is a very popular YouTube channel and a young lady behind it, who is known as a great content creator. Born Katherine La in 1995 in Canada, she grew up alongside her 4 siblings and all of them love computer games and various online activities. Three sisters of Funneh (PaintingRainbows, GoldenGlare and LunarEclipse) are famous computer gamers, and the only brother Allen is a famous YouTube gamer DraconiteDragon. ItsFunneh is a huge fan of Minecraft and Roblox, with extensive experience of playing there games. She opened her YouTube channel in 2011 but started posting videos in mid-2013. As of the mid 2024, the number of followers of ItsFunneh channel is close to 11 million people. In her real life Kate loves her dog and is a member of the rap group named The Krew.

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