How old is Jackson Green?

Jackson Green was born on 9 May 2003.
Jackson Green is 20 years old.

How old is Jackson Green in days now?

Jackson Green is 20 years 11 months 16 days old.
Total 7,657 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jackson Green?

Jackson Green's next birthday is in 14 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jackson Green?

Zodiac sign of Jackson Green is Taurus.

Jackson Green is a young TikTok star and a comedy content creator, famous as the one who runs the channel titled Thecolourgreen. He was born in the US and started getting interested in social media and various online activities since his early teen ages. He opened his first YouTube channel and then his Instagram account. Currently, he is most popular on TikTok and is known as a talented comedy video creator. He often collaborates with his good friend and competitor Delaney Brown. As of the mid 2023, Jackson Green has over 1.3 million followers of his TikTok account.

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