How old is Jake Bongiovi?

Jake Bongiovi was born on 7 May 2002.
Jake Bongiovi is 21 years old.

How old is Jake Bongiovi in days now?

Jake Bongiovi is 21 years 11 months 28 days old.
Total 8,034 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jake Bongiovi?

Jake Bongiovi's next birthday is in 2 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jake Bongiovi?

Zodiac sign of Jake Bongiovi is Taurus.

A charismatic and handsome Instagram star, Jake BonJovi is a son of a rock legend Jon BonJovi. Jake was born in 2002 and grew up alongside his parents and his three siblings. Of course, as a son of a famous father, he has been a focus of public interest since the early ages. He opened his social media account in the late 2010s which turned out to be his Instagram account and became a place to see the photos and videos about his life. As a young teenager he loved sports and played football at school. After finishing high school, in the early 2020 Jake entered Syracuse University in NYC where he started living a vary active social life. He dated a number of celebrities like a  cult actress Millie Bobby Brown whom he got engaged with in the early 2023. Jake BonJovi is a popular Instagram star and as of the mid 2023 the number of his fans there is close to 1.1 million people.

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