How old is Jake West?

Jake West was born on 17 May 2006.
Jake West is 17 years old.

How old is Jake West in days now?

Jake West is 17 years 11 months 3 days old.
Total 6,548 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jake West?

Jake West's next birthday is in 27 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jake West?

Zodiac sign of Jake West is Taurus.

Jake West is a charismatic TikTok star who is famous for his unique content related to dancing, sports, lip-syncing, and all other kinds of entertainment related stuff. He was born in 2006 in Pennsylvania and spent his early years in the city of Philadelphia, alongside his parents and younger brother. He was a very active and interested child, he'd spent a lot of time playing sports and learning some dance moves. Jake opened his TikTok account in the early 2020s and immediately attracted a lot of viewers with his creative and entertaining videos. He loves engaging his friends and family in filming his videos. As of the mid 2023, the number of the followers of his personal TikTok channel approaches 1 million people. At the same time, some videos of Jake West gain millions of views.

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