How old is Jasmine Mir?

Jasmine Mir was born on 13 December 2007.
Jasmine Mir is 17 years old.

How old is Jasmine Mir in days now?

Jasmine Mir is 17 years 1 month 25 days old.
Total 6,266 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jasmine Mir?

Jasmine Mir's next birthday is in 10 months 6 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jasmine Mir?

Zodiac sign of Jasmine Mir is Sagittarius.

Known as a part of Jasmine And Bella YouTube channel, Jasmine Mir has been running the channel with her lovely little sister Bella Mir. Jasmine was born in 2007 and spent her childhood in Miami, in the Sunny State. Her parents are Alex and Maria Mir, and they often appear in the videos on the channel of their daughters. The family has their own YouTube channel known as The Mir Fam. As a child, Jasmin was a truly nice and cute girl, she loved watching Disney channel especially Aladdin. As a teenager, she began getting interested in beauty and fashion, as well as started collaborating with some brands and assumed the role of a Hart brand ambassador. As of the late 2023, there are over 640 thousand fans on their channel with Bella which is a great place to find some optimistic videos about the adventures and daily life of these two wonderful girls. In 2021 Jasmine Mir opened her personal self-titled channel where she has been sharing plenty of videos focused on fashion and personal life style.

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