How old is Jazlyn Robinson?

Jazlyn Robinson was born on 1 April 2003.
Jazlyn Robinson is 21 years old.

How old is Jazlyn Robinson in days now?

Jazlyn Robinson is 21 years 25 days old.
Total 7,696 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jazlyn Robinson?

Jazlyn Robinson's next birthday is in 11 months 6 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jazlyn Robinson?

Zodiac sign of Jazlyn Robinson is Aries.

Jazlyn Robinson is a beautiful young lady and a talented TikTok star famous for her choreography and hilarious lip-syncing videos. Born in 2003 the US, she grew up in Arizona alongside her family and friends. She loved dancing as a child and received plenty of training as a dancer. Jazlyn even took part in some professional competitions as a member of the New York City Dance Alliance group. She launched her personal TikTok account where she started sharing videos of her dancing, lip-syncing, and such. As of the early 2024, there were over 2.6 million fans following the channel. Jazlyn Roinson is represented by a talent agency and she has some great perspectives as a social media influencer.

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