How old is Jeffree Star?
Jeffree Star was born on 15 November 1985.
Jeffree Star is 39 years old.
How old is Jeffree Star in days now?
Jeffree Star is 39 years 3 months 3 days old.
Total 14,340 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Jeffree Star?
Jeffree Star's next birthday is in 8 months 28 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Jeffree Star?
Zodiac sign of Jeffree Star is Scorpio.
Jeffree Star became famous as a cosmetics consultant, a makeup artist, an Internet celebrity and a singer. He was born as Jeffrey Lynn Steininger Jr. in California and brought up by a single mum. He used to be interested in beauty and makeup since the times of his secondary school, and after finishing high school he began trying himself in modeling and beauty consulting, visiting California best nightclubs and socializing with other guys like himself. In the early 2000s, he opened his account in MySpace and attracted a large number of followers and visitors. For a certain period of time, his account was among the most crowded in the whole network. Later on, Star decided to pursue his career in music, so he recorded a few singles and in 2009 he recorded his first album, Beauty Killer. The album managed to reach Billboard Top 100 and attract attention that resulted for Star in a few interesting collaborations like the ones with Kesha, etc. Finally, Jeffree Star got focused on creating and promoting his cosmetics lines. He offers very high-quality products and does a lot of online support himself, uploading the related videos to the YouTube channel which has over 15 million followers (as of the late 2024). Star lives in California with his partner.
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