How old is JJ Watt?

JJ Watt was born on 22 March 1989.
JJ Watt is 35 years old.

How old is JJ Watt in days now?

JJ Watt is 35 years 1 month 9 days old.
Total 12,824 days old now.

When is the next birthday of JJ Watt?

JJ Watt's next birthday is in 10 months 21 days.

What is the zodiac sign of JJ Watt?

Zodiac sign of JJ Watt is Aries.

JJ Watt is a successful defender and popular American football player who rose to fame as one of the players of Houston Texas. Born Justin James Watt in 1989 in Wisconsin, he grew up alongside his parents and two brothers who are also now the players of American football. As a child, he liked and practiced various kinds of sports including American football, baseball, basketball, and athletics. Justin started his career as a college player at the University of Wisconsin, and was drafted in 2011 by Houston Texans where he spent 10 successful seasons and made a number of records including the Best Defensive Player of the Year, 5 Times Member of All-Pro Team, NFL Sacks Leader, etc. His personal record was 20.5 sacks and he is a winner of a few important awards like Bert Bell Award, Lott Trophy, etc. In 2021 JJ Watt changed his club and started playing for the Arizona Cardinals. He is a known philanthropist and is married to Kealia Ohai Watt, a professional American soccer player.

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