How old is Jordan Lacey?

Jordan Lacey was born on 11 November 1998.
Jordan Lacey is 26 years old.

How old is Jordan Lacey in days now?

Jordan Lacey is 26 years 2 months 26 days old.
Total 9,584 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jordan Lacey?

Jordan Lacey's next birthday is in 9 months 5 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jordan Lacey?

Zodiac sign of Jordan Lacey is Scorpio.

Jordan Lacey is a YouTube star and a part of a famous duo Cierra And Jordan which he used to run together with his former girlfriend Cierra Johnson. Jordan was born in 1998 in the US and had an absolutely typical childhood for a teenager of the early 21st century. Similar to most of his peers he loved computers, sports and various outdoor activities, music, and having fun. In the mid 2010s he met Cierra and shortly after he joined her personal YouTube channel which they turned into a join channel. It was the place for them to share their videos about their relationships, adventures, dreams, as well as challenges, pranks, etc. Later in the decade the couple broke up, but then reunited and in the early 2020s they became parents to a lovely girl Kinsley Marie. In 2021, when their channel peaked with almost 69 million followers, they broke up completely, and after that Jordan has been running the channel on his own. The content is still interesting and high quality, with some rare videos with Cierra and their daughter dedicated to the couple parenting the girl. As of the late 2024, there are about 33 million people following the solo channel of Jordan Lacey.

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