How old is Juan de Dios Pantoja?
Juan de Dios Pantoja was born on 16 November 1995.
Juan de Dios Pantoja is 29 years old.
How old is Juan de Dios Pantoja in days now?
Juan de Dios Pantoja is 29 years 2 months 26 days old.
Total 10,680 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Juan de Dios Pantoja?
Juan de Dios Pantoja's next birthday is in 9 months 5 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Juan de Dios Pantoja?
Zodiac sign of Juan de Dios Pantoja is Scorpio.
Juan de Dios Pantoja is a talented YouTuber and Facebook user who is famous for his fascinating and really funny stuff. He was born in 1995 in Mexico and grew up in the city of Mazatlan, in a large traditional Mexican family. He has been a very nice and outgoing person since his early childhood. As a young teenager, he used to like spending time outdoors and playing various games with his friends, as well as having fun and enjoying this life to the fullest. He launched his first social media networking channel in the early 2010s and became popular among his fellow YouTubers quite fast. In the middle of the decade he even got married to one of his fellow Mexican YouTuber Kim Loaiza, but the got divorced in 2018. Since the middle of the decade Juan has been promoting his YouTube channel very actively and focusing solely on comedy related stuff like lip-syncing, skits, pranks, challenger, some song covers, etc. He gladly collaborates with other social media stars and has recently started recording his own hits and creating some choreography. In the early 2020s he got married to Loaiza again and soon the couple became parents to two lovely kids. Juan de Dios Pantoja has over 24 million fans on his YouTube channel (as of the late 2024) and the number has been increasing really fast.
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