How old is Keepupradio?

Keepupradio was born on 27 June 1996.
Keepupradio is 27 years old.

How old is Keepupradio in days now?

Keepupradio is 27 years 9 months 30 days old.
Total 10,165 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Keepupradio?

Keepupradio's next birthday is in 2 months 1 day.

What is the zodiac sign of Keepupradio?

Zodiac sign of Keepupradio is Cancer.

Keepupradio is a relatively new TikTok channel but it has become really popular recently as the place where it is possible to see plenty of positive and cool videos. The person behind this channel is Whitney Singleton, a TikToker from the state of New York. She was born in 1996 in Buffalo and spent her childhood there, alongside her friends and family. She had a typical childhood for the millennial children and loved playing computer games, singing, spending time outdoors and hanging out with her friends. Surprisingly, she started getting interested in social media quite late and started her presence in social networking websites only in the late 2010s. Her Twitch account was the first that she opened, so initially Whitney became famous as a streamer. However, in 2020 she opened her first TikTok channel where she began posting videos about media stars and celebrities like Ariana Grande, Dove Cameron, etc. As of the mid 2022, there are about a quarter of million fans on her Keepupradio channel, which is an impressive number for less than 1 year. She is engaged to her long time boyfriend and loves spending time with her dog Holly.  

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