How old is Kendra Johnston?
Kendra Johnston was born on 21 June 1983.
Kendra Johnston is 41 years old.
How old is Kendra Johnston in days now?
Kendra Johnston is 41 years 7 months 17 days old.
Total 15,207 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Kendra Johnston?
Kendra Johnston's next birthday is in 4 months 14 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Kendra Johnston?
Zodiac sign of Kendra Johnston is Cancer.
Kendra Johnson is a YouTube star and a vlogger known as a part of a duo behind the channel titled J House Vlogs that she has been running with her husband Jeremy. She was born in 1983 in the US and in the early 2010s she got married to Jeremy Johnston. Shortly after, in summer 2014 they started their YouTube channel as their family vlog. As of the mid 2024, Jeremy and Kendra have 5 children, three daughters Elise, Laura, and Janae, as well as two sons Isaac and Caleb. The family lives in Kansas City and show their life in the videos as really interesting and exciting. All the children are home-schooled and love spending time with their family. Currently, there are almost 3 million people following the channel and looking forward to new videos there. Jeremy and Kendra Johnson appear to be great parents, as well as great and talented content creators.
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