How old is kingzippy?

kingzippy was born on 15 February 1990.
kingzippy is 34 years old.

How old is kingzippy in days now?

kingzippy is 34 years 2 months 12 days old.
Total 12,490 days old now.

When is the next birthday of kingzippy?

kingzippy's next birthday is in 9 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of kingzippy?

Zodiac sign of kingzippy is Aquarius.

Kingzippy is a TikTok star and a rising star of social media world who has recently become famous for his interesting and nice comedy related videos. He was born in 1990 in new Jersey and spent his childhood in Camden. Nothing much is known about his early years and his interests then but he started his presence on social media platforms in the mid 2010s. Before becoming popular on TikTok, Zippy established himself on Facebook and tried himself as a comedy content creator there. Later on, he launched his TikTok channel and began posting plenty of great and funny videos there. He is famous for his impersonations of famous celebrities, as well as for lip-syncing and other kinds of funny stuff. It is interesting that it s possible to notice very clear social and anti-war messages in his videos. As of the early 2024, there are over 7 million followers on Kingzippy's TikTok channel. It is also possible to follow him on other platforms alike Instagram, etc.

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