How old is Kyra Sivertson?

Kyra Sivertson was born on 9 November 1996.
Kyra Sivertson is 28 years old.

How old is Kyra Sivertson in days now?

Kyra Sivertson is 28 years 2 months 28 days old.
Total 10,316 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Kyra Sivertson?

Kyra Sivertson's next birthday is in 9 months 3 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Kyra Sivertson?

Zodiac sign of Kyra Sivertson is Scorpio.

Kyra Sivertson is a great YouTuber and a talented content creator known for her vlog where she has been reflecting her life and being a mom of 3 wonderful kids. She was born in 1996 in Colorado and grew up in Denver, alongside her family. In the mid 2010s she opened her first YouTube channel where she started talking about her life and sharing her thoughts about this world we're living in. She met her future husband Oscar Morales who is a YouTuber from Mexico. In 2015 she became a mom of a wonderful boy named Levi, and two years later a lovely daughter Alaya came to this world. The couple got engaged in 2018 and they have  children. Kyra Sivertson documented precisely her fourth child's coming to this world in the late 2020. He vlog on YouTube is a wonderful place to get to know her family life and learn plenty of interesting stuff about everything. As of the late 2024, she has over 1.4 million followers there, as well as about a half million followers on her Instagram account. 

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