How old is Lala Milan?

Lala Milan was born on 24 October 1989.
Lala Milan is 35 years old.

How old is Lala Milan in days now?

Lala Milan is 35 years 3 months 25 days old.
Total 12,901 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Lala Milan?

Lala Milan's next birthday is in 8 months 6 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Lala Milan?

Zodiac sign of Lala Milan is Scorpio.

An extremely lovely and creative Instagram star, actress, and comedian, Lala Milan is well known among those who love A Black Lady Sketch Show where she appeared and starred. Born in 1989 in South Carolina, she spent her childhood in Charleston where she grew up and finished school. She began making and sharing her first videos on various social networking sites including Vine in the mid 2010s, and her comedy related ideas turned out to be really cool! She used to work first as an insurance agent in those times, later on as a cosmetologist, and some of the videos were made right in her office including her epic video "Trap Queen". Many viewers watched and liked her videos, thus Lala received invitation to join a few reality projects like A Black Lady Sketch Show or Claws and Boomerang. In the early 2020s she moved to LA and continued taking part in some TV projects, as well as appeared in a movie. In the late 2024 Lala Milan announced that she was expecting a baby with an Instagram star Tyler Parker. Currently, there are over 3.9 million subscribers to her Instagram channel, and there are over 21 millions of the total views of her YouTube videos.

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