How old is Laro Benz?
Laro Benz was born on 24 November 1996.
Laro Benz is 28 years old.
How old is Laro Benz in days now?
Laro Benz is 28 years 2 months 25 days old.
Total 10,313 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Laro Benz?
Laro Benz's next birthday is in 9 months 6 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Laro Benz?
Zodiac sign of Laro Benz is Sagittarius.
An extremely active and sometimes aggressive prankster, Laro Benz is popular on YouTube and Snapchat where he has been present for almost 10 years. He was born in 1996 in the USA and was raised alongside his two siblings, a brother and a sister, who have been falling victims of his pranks for many years. Laro has been good at making fun and making tough jokes for all of his life, and in the mid 2010s he launched his YouTube channel in order to entertain his viewers with the videos of his pranks. Some of his pieces of content, especially involving his elder brother, receive a lot of hits, with the number of views peaking at 2 million ones. There are now (January 2025) about 3.5 million people following his YouTube channel. It is easy to find Laro Benz on Snapchat and find somehow different content. His another passion is music and he always tries to use some good pieces of music for his videos.
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