How old is Leah from Francesca And Leah?
Leah from Francesca And Leah was born on 19 August 2011.
Leah from Francesca And Leah is 13 years old.
How old is Leah from Francesca And Leah in days now?
Leah from Francesca And Leah is 13 years 6 months 16 days old.
Total 4,949 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Leah from Francesca And Leah?
Leah from Francesca And Leah's next birthday is in 5 months 12 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Leah from Francesca And Leah?
Zodiac sign of Leah from Francesca And Leah is Leo.
Leah from Francesca and Leah is a lovely and great social media star known also as Leah From Francesca And Leah. Born in 2011 in Illinois, she spent her early years in Chicago, alongside her star sister Francesca Ross and their half-brother. Both girls have been huge fans of toys, and they opened their join YouTube channel in order to share their experiences and preferences as to various toys. Initially their channel was named Magic Box Toys Collectors, and it was the place to find plenty of slime videos and toy reviews. Later on, the channel was renamed in Francesca and Leah and it started focusing on a wider varieties of topics. As of August 2024, there are over 2.1 million subscribers to the channel. In addition to their joint activities, both of the girls have their personal channel. Francesca Ross loves playing piano and has a channel dedicated to those activities. Leah from Francesca and Leah is more focused on funny and slime videos which can be found in plenty on her personal channel.
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