How old is Luka Doncic?

Luka Doncic was born on 28 February 1999.
Luka Doncic is 25 years old.

How old is Luka Doncic in days now?

Luka Doncic is 25 years 11 months 12 days old.
Total 9,478 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Luka Doncic?

Luka Doncic's next birthday is in 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Luka Doncic?

Zodiac sign of Luka Doncic is Pisces.

One of the most popular and successful basketball players of today's Slovenian National Basketball Team, Luka Doncic is a shooting guard of Dallas Mavericks. The sportsman was born in 1999 in Ljubljana and grew up in the family of a basketball coach Sasha Doncic. Thus, Luka started his path on the way to basketball podium when he was a child. In the early 2010s he became a young player of Union Olympia, and when he was 15, he joined a junior team of Real Madrid. His finest hour as a young player took place in 2018 when Doncic led his team to the victory in EuroLeague, supported by him receiving an MVP title. As a result of this outstanding success, Luka was drafted as an NBA rookie and joined the team of Dallas Mavericks. His debut year in the NBA was extremely successful and brought to receiving a title of the Rookie of the Year. In his first three consecutive seasons he played in the NBA All-Star Game. As a member of Slovenian National Team, Luka Doncic won EuroBasket 2017 and became one of the members of the All-Tournament Team.

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