How old is LukeDidThat?
LukeDidThat was born on 2 December 2002.
LukeDidThat is 22 years old.
How old is LukeDidThat in days now?
LukeDidThat is 22 years 2 months 16 days old.
Total 8,114 days old now.
When is the next birthday of LukeDidThat?
LukeDidThat's next birthday is in 9 months 14 days.
What is the zodiac sign of LukeDidThat?
Zodiac sign of LukeDidThat is Sagittarius.
A charming and handsome TikTok star, Luke West is behind his personal channel titled LukeDidThat where he has been sharing various kinds of food related content for a few years. Born in 2002 in the USA, he was raised in Utah and became active online in the early 2020s. He launched his first YouTube channel first, and then a lot later on he made up his mind to open his personal TikTok channel as well. His topic was tasting some interesting kinds of foods (usually very spicy ones), entering various food related challenges, engaging some other people to join him in these activities, etc. The content of the both of his channels was quite similar, but the videos on TikTok tended to be a bit more opened so for some time the channel was banned. As of January 2025, there are over 20 million people following his YouTube channel, with the total number of views approaching 8 million people. LukeDidThat on TikTok is now followed by about 2 million people.
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