How old is Lynn Davis?

Lynn Davis was born on 2 August 1948.
Lynn Davis is 76 years old.

How old is Lynn Davis in days now?

Lynn Davis is 76 years 2 months 20 days old.
Total 27,840 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Lynn Davis?

Lynn Davis's next birthday is in 9 months 11 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Lynn Davis?

Zodiac sign of Lynn Davis is Leo.

A cool granny and a lovely TikTok star focused on cooking and entertainment related content, Lynn Davis is a popular social media star who, in contract to many others, has grandchildren. She was born in 1948 in the US and had a typical childhood for the people of her times. She was married and has 4 grown up children, as well as some grandchildren who persuaded Lynn to open her personal TikTok channel and share her funny cooking recipes and ideas with the viewers. Thus, in the early 2020s the channel titled cookingwithlynja was launched and immediately started gaining popularity. Lynn is really cute and creative, and her videos are filled with plenty of jokes and fun. For example, sometimes she includes just one or two ingredients in her ideas, and sometimes such ingredients are definitely not compatible, like a banana and mayo. As of the mid 2024 Lynn Davis has about 13 million followers on her channel.

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