How old is Mads Lewis?

Mads Lewis was born on 24 December 2002.
Mads Lewis is 21 years old.

How old is Mads Lewis in days now?

Mads Lewis is 21 years 4 months old.
Total 7,792 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Mads Lewis?

Mads Lewis's next birthday is in 8 months.

What is the zodiac sign of Mads Lewis?

Zodiac sign of Mads Lewis is Capricorn.

Mads Lewis is an Instagram and YouTube star who is also an actress known for her role in a popular online TV series Chicken Girls. Mads was born in 2002 in Arizona and she is one of the triplets, so she grew up alongside her brother Dakota and sister Riley. Mads has been keen on social media and various online activities since her early teen ages, and at first, she opened a channel on where she used to post videos related to lip-syncing, various interesting things that were happening in her life in her secondary school times. As of December 2023, Mads Lewis is more popular on TikTok, with the number of her subscriber exceeding 12 million people, as well as on YouTube and Instagram, with the number of the followers on the latter exceeding 6 million people. Recently she has been focusing on posting videos of various challenges, her personal comments on fashion and other aspects of life. She has also been dating her fellow YouTuber Christian Plourde.

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