How old is Manu Ríos?
Manu Ríos was born on 17 December 1998.
Manu Ríos is 26 years old.
How old is Manu Ríos in days now?
Manu Ríos is 26 years 2 months 18 days old.
Total 9,577 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Manu Ríos?
Manu Ríos's next birthday is in 9 months 10 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Manu Ríos?
Zodiac sign of Manu Ríos is Sagittarius.
Manu Rios is an Instagram and TV personality known also for his modeling and singing activities. Born Manu Ríos Fernandes in 1998, he grew up in Spain alongside his brother Josemy. Since his early childhood, Manu has been in love with music and acting, and when he was 9 years old he was noticed by the local children's actor scouts and offered a role of Gavroche in the stage adaptation of Les Miserables. He has also auditioned for Spain's Got Talent and took part in a few other TV projects. As a member of a teen band The Parchis Rios appeared in a few musicals and has delivered many great stage performances. Since the mid-2010s Manu Rios has been an avid social networking fan and has been promoting his activities in such platforms as Instagram or Twitter. As of the late 2024 he has over 10 million subscribers of his Instagram account, as well as about 1.7 million followers on his YouTube channel.
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