How old is Matt Slays?

Matt Slays was born on 17 July 1980.
Matt Slays is 43 years old.

How old is Matt Slays in days now?

Matt Slays is 43 years 9 months 8 days old.
Total 15,988 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Matt Slays?

Matt Slays's next birthday is in 2 months 22 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Matt Slays?

Zodiac sign of Matt Slays is Cancer.

Matt Slays is a famous YouTuber and Internet celebrity who is a talented musician and the husband of Rebecca Zamolo. Matt was born as Matt Yoakum in 1980 in Colorado and had an incredible love for music since his childhood. When he was a teenager he joined a band named Townsend which used to play a kind of hip hop and pop rock mixture. Slays became the lead singer, the songwriter, and the piano player of the band. while he was studying at the university, he started working to make the ends meet, as well as getting ready to join an MTV competition. Since the early 2010s Slays began promoting his music online, creating and uploading videos for his songs and posting those to his personal YouTube channel. As of the mid 2023, the channel has over 7 million followers. For many years he worked with Joshua Evans, both as a musician and the songwriter. Matt Slays is married to Rebecca Zamolo, a known YouTuber, and together they run a channel which has about 5.7 million followers. Recently, they have become parents to a lovely baby girl.

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