How old is Monty Keates?

Monty Keates was born on 17 June 2002.
Monty Keates is 22 years old.

How old is Monty Keates in days now?

Monty Keates is 22 years 7 months 23 days old.
Total 8,273 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Monty Keates?

Monty Keates's next birthday is in 4 months 8 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Monty Keates?

Zodiac sign of Monty Keates is Gemini.

Monty Keates is a cool TikToker and singer who rose to fame for his covers of many popular songs that he has been posting on his channel for a few years. Born in 2002 in the UK, he grew up in quite a large family, alongside his parents, two sisters and two brothers. As a teenager he was very outgoing and sociable. He has loved singing since he was a little boy and in the late 2010s, when he opened his first social media accounts, he decided to promote his videos of him singing various popular songs. So far (as of the mid 2024) he has managed to attract almost 1.2 million fans, and it is possible to see various kinds of stuff including comedy or fashion related videos on his channel. Monty Keates also tried himself in modeling. His cute looks helped him to catch attention of some fashion scouts, and Monty was invited to join some projects in his homelands.

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