How old is Mr_Booshot?
Mr_Booshot was born on 25 December 2004.
Mr_Booshot is 20 years old.
How old is Mr_Booshot in days now?
Mr_Booshot is 20 years 1 month 24 days old.
Total 7,360 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Mr_Booshot?
Mr_Booshot's next birthday is in 10 months 7 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Mr_Booshot?
Zodiac sign of Mr_Booshot is Capricorn.
A cool Roblox games fan, Mr_Booshot is a successful YouTuber who has been recently growing and attracting tons of new subscribers. Born Andrew Booshot in 2004 in New York, he spent most of his childhood in California, alongside his family, his friends, and his wonderful two dogs. Roblox games have been his only passion since he was a child, and for these years he has become a pro in playing. He decided to open his YouTube channel in the late 2010s when he was a young teenager, and his first very videos unexpectedly became really popular despite an obvious lack of experience as a content creator. In the early 2020s the number of his followers reached 100 thousand people, and as of the late 2024, his channel is followed by over one million fans of his. Mr_Boochot's content is very dynamic, interesting, and bright.
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