How old is MrTop5?

MrTop5 was born on 18 May 2001.
MrTop5 is 22 years old.

How old is MrTop5 in days now?

MrTop5 is 22 years 11 months 7 days old.
Total 8,378 days old now.

When is the next birthday of MrTop5?

MrTop5's next birthday is in 23 days.

What is the zodiac sign of MrTop5?

Zodiac sign of MrTop5 is Taurus.

MrTop5 is a Canadian gamer and YouTuber famous as the owner of this popular channel. Born Nicolas Johnson in 2001, he grew up in Canada, alongside his parents and elder brother. Computer games have been always his only passion, and he would spend a lot of time in his childhood trying to master the best skills of playing Fortnite type games. When he was 14, he opened his first YouTube channel where he began uploading plenty of interesting content related to gaming, various online activities and beyond. His favorite PC game is Fortnite but MrTop5 also loves comedy and various pranks which can be seen on his channel. As of the mid 2023, he has over 4.4 million followers of his channel and the number has been growing lately.

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