How old is Ms. Rachel?
Ms. Rachel was born on 30 November 1982.
Ms. Rachel is 42 years old.
How old is Ms. Rachel in days now?
Ms. Rachel is 42 years 2 months 19 days old.
Total 15,421 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Ms. Rachel?
Ms. Rachel's next birthday is in 9 months 12 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Ms. Rachel?
Zodiac sign of Ms. Rachel is Sagittarius.
A YouTube star who has been offering some great family and child raising related content to her viewers, Ms. Rachel is known for making plenty of videos that can help young parents to educate their children and facilitate their learning process. She came to this world as Rachel Griffin Accurso in 1982 in the state of Maine and grew up in the city of Biddeford. As a high school student she loved music and drama, so later on she continued to study music at the University of Southern Maine. In 2006 she released her first hits and even a studio album as Rachel Griffin. In the mid 2010s she did her master's degree in music in New York, and later in the decade she got married to a composer and music producer Aaron Accurso. It was 2019 when she made up her mind to launch her YouTube channel and dedicate it to helping young moms to teach their kids music and basic knowledge. In particular, she created a youTube series titled Songs for Littles which turned out to be extremely popular. In the early 2020s Rachel started to expand the focus of her content on offering tips and help in developing language and motor skills in children as well as a lot of other ideas to teach toddlers. As of the early 2025, there are over 13 million people following her channel, and all the followers and viewers are always very thankful to Ms. Rachel for her ideas and creative tips.
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