How old is Natalie Aguilar?
Natalie Aguilar was born on 27 April 2002.
Natalie Aguilar is 22 years old.
How old is Natalie Aguilar in days now?
Natalie Aguilar is 22 years 9 months 11 days old.
Total 8,322 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Natalie Aguilar?
Natalie Aguilar's next birthday is in 2 months 20 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Natalie Aguilar?
Zodiac sign of Natalie Aguilar is Taurus.
A lovely and very creative TikToker, Natalie Aguilar has been promoting her channel for a few years and her outstanding content has helped her to build a database of over a half of a million people (as of April 2024). She came to this world in 2002 and spent the early years in her life among her loving family and friends. With such interests as fashion, beauty, healthy lifestyle, and active social life, it has been quite easy for her to find the best topics and ideas for her videos. Natalie launched her channel in the early 2020s and started covering a large variety of subjects, from some educative and informational videos to purely comedic and funny stuff like lip syncing. One of her most famous video went viral and earned over 9 million views which is a very impressive number. Very often Natalie Aquilar invites her family to take part in her videos. In particular, it is very funny to watch the conversations between her or her sisters and their parents.
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